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CSS Extended Completions

by subhaze ALL

CSS Completions, LESS Completions, SCSS Completions



  • Total 105K
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  • Mac 21K
  • Linux 13K
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Windows 0 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 2 3 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 2 1
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CSS Extended Completions

Sublime Text 2/3

Issue Reporting

Please include the following information when submitting a ticket - Sublime Text version - OS - any related error that you can find in the Sublime Text console (ctrl+) if no related error is found please state that you saw no errors in the console.

This plug-in is beta quality so please file any issues you run into here: https://github.com/subhaze/CSS-Extended/issues?state=open


  • CSS class completions within HTML class attributes (class=“|”) and CSS files
  • ID completions within HTML id attributes (id=“|”) and CSS files
  • LESS variable and mixin completions (with parametric tab-stops)
  • SCSS variable and mixin completions (with parametric tab-stops)
  • element completions within CSS files
  • pseudo selector completions within CSS files
  • font stack completions within the font-family: property
  • a more up-to-date property/value completion list within CSS files
  • parse linked style sheets in HTML files, can be disabled via index_linked_style_sheets setting


Load Files From Side Bar Menu

You can add files from the side bar, just right click on a folder and select the type of files you'd like to load via CSS Extended Completions > [file type(s)]

This is not a recursive process, so, only the immediate files in the folder are processed, the subfolders are not processed.

Cache On Save

Caches completions on document save.

  • If the document is a .css file (stand alone file) it will add any symbols that are found to the main project index.

  • If the document is a .html/.php/etc… it will parse that file and extract any classes/IDs found within style tags and only show you those completions within that file, plus any from the main project cache.

Loading External Files

You can eager load files from folders outside of your project via load_external_files setting.

Example: "load_external_files": ["/abs/path/to/css/*.css", "/abs/path/to/less/*.less"]

Deleting Cache File

You can delete the cache via the command palette CSS Completions: Delete Cache

Pruning Cache File

You can remove missing/moved files from the cache via the command palette CSS Completions: Prune Cache

Property/Value Completions

property/value completions such as box-sizing, additional font names for font-family, animation, flex-box, etc…

Emmet Support

Emmet support is enabled by default, you just need to add the following to your User Settings:

"auto_complete_selector": "source - comment, meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin, text.html.basic"

Don't have Emmet? No problem, you won't have any problems with it being enable by default.
Still want to disable Emmet support? Just set "use_emmet": false in the user's package settings or use the Use Emmet toggle from the menu Preferences > Package Settings > CSS Extended Completions

CSS Completion Examples

Pseudo Selector Completions

Extended Property Value Completions

Class Completions Within Class Attribute

Class Completions Within CSS Scope

LESS Completion Examples

Mixin Completions, with Parametric Mixin Tab Order

SCSS Completion Examples

Mixin Completions, with Parametric Mixin Tab Order